Current Build HL7 Version 2 Table 0472

This is a table defined as part of HL7 v2 . Related FHIR content: v2 TQ Conjunction ID.


Name:v2 TQ Conjunction ID
Definition:FHIR Value set/code system definition for HL7 v2 table 0472 ( TQ Conjunction ID)
Code System URL:
Value Set URL:
CodeSystem ResourceXML / JSON
ValueSet ResourceXML / JSON

This value set is used in the following places:

TQ Conjunction ID

CodeDescriptionNederlands (Dutch)CommentVersion
A AsynchronousAsynchroonDo the next specification in parallel with this one (unless otherwise constrained by the following fields: TQ1-7-start date/time and TQ1-8-end date/time). The conjunction of "A" specifies two parallel instructions, as are sometimes used in medication, e.added v2.4
C Actuation TimeActuatietijdIt will be followed by a completion time for the service. This code allows one to distinguish between the time and priority at which a service should be actuated (e.g. blood should be drawn) and the time and priority at which a service should be completadded v2.4
S SynchronousSynchroonDo the next specification after this one (unless otherwise constrained by the following fields: TQ1-7-start date/time and TQ1-8-end date/time). An "S" specification implies that the second timing sequence follows the first, e.g. when a service request isadded v2.4